About Us

Our story

Wayne and Lori, along with a myriad of other activities, have been in the Internet Marketing business for about 18 years. Adept at wearing many hats, we work well as a team in the many projects we undertake.

Wayne has been instrumental in helping companies in their online marketing projects either by teaching them how to market online or by doing the marketing for them. Teaching, he feels, is always better than taking over the project for them. Teach a man to fish and you’ll help him change his heart and mind, challenging him to press on to the mark of a high calling! Besides…Wayne jumped 48 feet 3 inches which entered him into his college Hall of Fame! He still holds the record since 1973!! If he can do that, you know he has get up and go and can teach you to market! YEAH!!

We are Constantly striving to help others (this is you) in your own individual Callings, and part of that includes helping you reach the best health possible. We’ve been involved in the health field as researchers and marketers for years and are now pursing helping others reach their maximum health with the specific frequency microcurrent technology Healy harnessed. We know and understand once you begin to see what “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for you,” you’ll run with the best of them!
Stick around! Learn with us as we progress in this amazing field. Read the testimonials. Watch the videos! You’ll be inspired to join us on our journey to better health and better living, period!

Fun fact

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