Healy Is Easy to Use

Because the Healy uses Smartphone technology and does not need its own data memory, it is compact, light and inexpensive.  

All you need to do is install the Healy App on your smartphone before using Healy. Your friends and family can download the Healy App on their cellphone as well and use your device on their phone.  If you have an Android smartphone, you can get the app from the Google Play Store; for your Apple iPhone, you can get it from the App Store.

After installing the Healy App, it will tell you exactly what to do next. Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth connection so the phone can “see” and “talk” to your Healy. You may have to put in the Healy SN number found on the back of each individual Healy.  You will then be able to see on your phone screen what programs are available. This depends on the Healy Edition you have chosen.

Once you have selected a specific program on the screen, you will see its total running time. You will then be instructed which electrodes to apply, then hit “Start” and off you go! You can adjust the intensity of the program yourself while it is running. You should feel the pulsing from the electrodes, but the “feel” should not be uncomfortable.

Choosing a program is not difficult. Remember, no Healy program is ever the “wrong one” – they all are the right ones! In order to find the most suitable program for you, decide what your goal or issue may be.** Perhaps it’s unwanted weight gain… or stress…or pain!

It is suggested, because of the intensity of the frequencies and the effect they have in the body, to use a maximum of three Healy frequency programs daily, ideally two in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening.

Drink enough water when using Healy. We recommend 6 to 8 cups of water a day, especially before using Healy for pain relief and in the morning, to support the effect of the programs. Drinking sufficient water flushes body waste which is generated by the frequencies flowing through the body. It helps lubricate your joints and delivers oxygen throughout your body. Drinking sufficient water helps your skin be less vulnerable to skin disorders and premature aging, it also aids in clearer thinking. In this day of Covid- you’ll find that water helps regulate your body temperature as well. Some scientists have determined when there is too little water in the body, heat storage increases and you are less able to tolerate heat strain. Your bowels need water to function properly and water aids the body in helping to regulate the PH of your system. It can also aid with weight loss. Drinking water while using Healy, will enhance its effectiveness so eight to ten glasses a day is encouraged. 

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